Saturday, 19 March 2011

FML Reflection

Having made the decision to step away from FML, ironically I find myself thinking back on some of the highs and lows of playing this game over the last 3 years.

No game has ever come close to holding my attention anywhere near as much as FML has.

It would be no exageration to say that even taken a very conserative approach that I have on average spent approx 3 hours a night on this game for the last 1,114 days that I have been playing.

So 1,114 X 3 hours a day each equals 3,342 of gaming time.

I would suggest that this is a very conserative view as there was periods I was logged in all day playing whilst working (no wonder I got made redundant).

So FML has obviously appealed to me over the long term, however it has also lost its appeal to me.

Some of you will be aware that I was Community Support Mod a position I have enjoyed over the last 6 months.

So I'm sat wondering am I part of the natural churn of FML or at what point did I lose my love of this game that had previously taken up so much of my life ?

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