Sunday, 20 March 2011

FML The Memories No9

The next one was a surprise to me to make it into my top 10 however It has sneaked into the top10, just.

Community Day/Mod Day.

This was a terrific day where some of the FM community chaps were invited to Si towers to have a chat about how things were going ahead of the soft launch of Football Manager Live.

Mods had a meeting with the Lead Mod at the time Richard Tebbutt, I say meeting, It was held in a basement of a pub with a few beers.

However I recall the guys at Si all being in attendance:-

Ov : A charming chap and an honour to meet the force behind FM
Miles : A recall him not being happy about a ruling over banter in FML, particaluary the same kind of banter you would have down the pub.
Marc : His usual laid back self.
Rob Bertie : I recall having a lengthy chat with Rob about some of the great things that FML could achieve for the community.
Paul Heckler: Who was head of FML Support as you can imagine he was getting some grief.

We were shown an exclusive FML marketing video which was great a watered down version was later released.

This was a good day ahead of FML's soft launch I have to say it was a good crack and nice to meet some of the other FML Mods in real life.

I remember coming away from that day thinking FML was going to be massive, especially given the marketing that Sega had commimted to.

I wonder whatever happenned to the Marketing Money promised from Sega ?

1 comment:

  1. I remember this day fondly as well. I've still got faith that there will one day be a marketing push.
