Monday, 22 November 2010

Gameworld Plus Podcast

I while back I accepted an invite to appear on the gameworldplus podcast with Rik, Thom and Jakswans.

The date for this was agreed way in advance and a few days before it I was ill with the usual seasonal illness, cough cold the usual crap.

So I made a very breif apparence trying to chip in where I can with a few bits and pieces.

Rik has decided to take a step away from FML for a while, and I understand Jak is now only in Beta having let his live accounts run their course.

I wish Thom the best of luck with the podcast for the future should he wish to continue it.

Having made several podcasts previously a few years ago I recall the effort it takes to edit this into the final draft that appears for all to listen to.

Having given it much consideration and probably against my better judgement I have decided to go back down this route, however not with a podcast this time as I dont have the time to edit it.

I will be annoucing full details of this tomorrow!!!

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